I need to do laundry so badly that today I am wearing the red polo shirt that they gave me when I worked at the oshman's superstore 4 1/2 years ago. I think this may be the second time it has come off the hanger since I quit (with no warning - fuck 'em!) that awful, awful place on x-mas eve 1999. The IRS has been good to me, but not good enough to buy a washing machine. I guess I know where I'll be this evening, box of detergent and book in hand.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
These posts are getting repetitive. I went out last night. I drank a bit too much. Now I feel like poop at work. I was only an hour late. The Sword were fan-tas-tik.
I was thinking of getting one of them fancy digital camera things this week but lucky me the "check engine" light came on in my car. I think from now on I'm going to travel exclusively by ricksha.
Monday, May 24, 2004
It was a good, but short, weekend. Friday night I stayed in, watched bad tv, read and fell asleep at 11:30.
Saturday was nice. Went to see those peabodys play on a half-pipe. Drank alot of cheap beer. Went home to get ready for Leroy's going away party. Drank alot of slightly less cheap beer. Had bunches of people over to the house. Finished the slightly less than cheap beer and moved back to the very cheap beer. Left for late night snack with Leileen and Rand got home and everyone had left. Got to bed somewhere around 5:30am. It was a great party. Lots of good folks hanging out. No problems (except for me throwing uncooked linguine at everyone). Some old friends made it out.
Woke up at 2pm sunday. Blah blah, fuzzy/pounding head. Band practice. Sopranos. (oh shit! they whacked Adriana and started a war with the NY families!) A bit of adult swim. Bed.
Friday, May 21, 2004
You ever have those mornings when your body just refuses to wake up? I've been at work for two hours and everything still seems fuzzy. I guess it just goes back to my "I guess I should start drinking coffee" thing.
So today is friday and the start of the weekend. I think I might take the night off, though. I went out a couple of times during the week, I don't feel like I have to get out tonight. I often do that - force myself to go out on weekends because, well, it's the weekend. Although I just realized that Immortal Lee County Killers are playing at emo's so I might make it out to that.
We're having a going away party on saturday for my roommate Leroy who is moving back to his hometown of Boston after a three year sidetrack in Austin. I'm thinking it should be a fun, low-key kinda thing with lots of record store goons running around. I've been raiding his rather large cd collection to burn stuff before he leaves.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
I didn't make it in to work yesterday. Everything was fuzzy and wobbly with a hangover-induced throb. Amanda and I went out tuesday night to the Perverted Son DVD release party at casino. They had four videos they made for the bands but the good part was a "documentary" about the label. From there it gets blurry - lovejoys, mugshots, beerland to see Tom play with the kodiaks but then over to emo's where everyone was at for Hella but the back to beerland cause the kodiaks hadn't actually played yet.
I started cryptonomicon yesterday. I like it so far but I'm not very far into it.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
This is an old one but as good of a way as any to pass the time at work...
-- Name: David Anthony
-- Birth date: 11/08/74
-- Nickname: none (that I know of)
-- Current Location: austin, tx
-- Eye Color: blue
-- Hair Color: brown, scarce
-- Height: 5'8"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: scorpio
-- The shoes you wore today: brown
-- Your weakness: bad syndicated sci-fi tv shows
-- Your fears: large groups
-- Your perfect pizza: hamburger
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: goal?
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: n/a
-- Your thoughts first wake up: snooze button = 9mins
-- Your best physical feature:
-- Your bedtime: 12am-3am
-- Most missed memory: free punk shows at the park/rec center
-- Pepsi or Coke: dr pepper
-- McDonald's or Burger King: n/a
-- Reebok or Nike: n/a
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I hate tea (especially iced tea)
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
-- Smoke: occasionally when drunk
-- Cuss: yup
-- Sing: you could call it that
-- Take a shower everyday: nope
-- Have a crush(es): a few
-- Do you think you've been in love: nope
-- Want to go to college: already done, thank god
-- Like(d) high school: coulda been worse - middle school was the bad part
-- Want to get married: sure
-- Believe in yourself: depends on the day
-- Get motion sickness: yes. alot.
-- Think you're attractive: I'm ok
-- Think you're a health freak: not at all
-- Get along with your parents: yes
-- Play an instrument: anything you put in my hands
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yup
-- Smoked: yup
-- Done a drug: yup
-- Had Sex: yup
-- Made Out: yup
-- Gone on a date: nope
-- Gone to the mall?: nope
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
-- Eaten sushi: nope
-- Been on stage: yup
-- Been dumped: nope
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: nope
-- Gone skinny dipping: nope
-- Dyed your hair: haha
-- Stolen anything: nope
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
-- If so, was it mixed company: yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: uh-huh
-- Been caught "doing something": yup
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Gotten beaten up: not really
-- Shoplifted: yup
-- Changed who you were to fit in: a bit
-- Age you hope to be married: whenever it happens
-- Numbers and Names of Children: ?
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: ?
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: ...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I am grown up and I still don't know
-- What country would you most like to visit: UK
-- Best eye color? green
-- Best hair color? dark
-- Short or long hair: doesn't matter
-- Height: same or shorter than me
-- Best weight: it really depends, doesn't it
-- Best articles of clothing: I have some nice jackets
-- Best first date location: somewhere with alcohol to ease my frazzled nerves
-- Best first kiss location: I know this isn't what it means but I'd say on the neck
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: a few
-- Number of CDs that I own: around 50, but a couple of hundred lps
-- Number of piercings: none (a couple unused for 6-7 years)
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? 5-10
-- Number of cars you own: 2 (only one has moved in the past year, though)
Who knew that getting a full night's sleep would make it so hard to be moderately coherent the next morning? I'm just about finished with The Confusion (70 pgs or so left). I'm going to be in major Baroque Cycle withdrawal until September when the next (and last) one comes out. I guess I can start on one of the many, many book that have been piling up while I've been reading the Stephenson stuff. There's Gulag if I feel like something light and airy. Also, I could get to Doomed Bourgeois in Love: Essays on the Films of Whit Stillman which my mother was kind enough to send me (thanks Amazon wishlist!). Really, though, I think Neil Stephenson might just pull me right back in with Cryptonomicon which I never read for some inexplicable reason.
Monday, May 17, 2004
We got a couple of copies of the official release of the soft set cd this weekend. It's gratifying to see the real thing. I'm very curious to see what happens with it because, as we all know, no one gives a shit around here but maybe those loopy europeans will be into it. I'm not sure exactly when it'll be available but when it is you should be able to find it over at becalmed records (the site is nothing but a brief index page but there was/will be again soon a real site).
Saturday, May 15, 2004
I'm not usually at work on saturdays late enough to listen to Ear Candy on KOOP but I am today. Yeah for the Jennifers (even if my band has been banned - long story of which I don't all the details)! I think you can listen online but wouldn't swear to it. I suppose I could find out but, really, I can't do everything for you.
Despite a mean lone star and whiskey hangover, I'm at work on a saturday afternoon getting some overtime in. Lungfish was pretty damn good last night. They're not exactly the most exciting live band ever but they are very focused and intense. Since I've only heard their last few albums in passing, I didn't know any of the songs but that didn't diminish it at all. The Constantines opened up. They were pretty good. I'm too woozy to give a good description.
Before Lungfish played, they opened up the outside stage (which was supposed to have been completely separate) because no one was there. It was gonna be Money Mark and the infamous Dangermouse (grey album, blah blah blah). Well, Money Mark cancelled so there was, no kidding, 100 people there tops - in a place that holds something like 800. So anyway, I went and checked out Dangermouse. DJs aren't the most interesting thing to watch generally but he was totally good. Did a lot of mash-up's and some nice shit in general (me being the big expert on djing). The point being that I liked it.
Later we tried to find an afterparty but it was dead so it ended up just being the people from the show arriving late at some poor guy's house. Drive around. Drive around. Drink wine and watch infomercials at Amanda's w/her and Tom. Go home and sleep.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Roger Miller, of Mission of Burma, has a weeklong, online diary over at slate. Seeing Burma was one of the highlights of sxsw this year. They're one of those bands that I never thought I'd get the chance to see. They played their big "hits", some old songs, some new songs and a cover of Pink Floyd's Astronomy Domine.
Tonight's Lungfish show is like that. The last time they came through here was around 10 years ago. Thankfully they've decided to do a bit of touring. Can you tell I'm excited about it? I've only mentioned it five or six times in the past couple of weeks.
I have comments! I've been thinking of changing blog hosts so that I could have comments on here but I turn around and there they are. How nice is that? If I could only figure out how to put photos on here.
I'm going to see Lungfish tonight. This will be good but only if I can stay awake until then.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Monday, May 10, 2004
They changed the blogger layout again. I'm so confused! It seems I had something to say when I logged on here but I have already forgotten what it was.
I've been making admirable progress on The Confusion. It's a fast and compelling read and also very cliff-hangery.
Hmmm. The weekend was rather blah. Went to the Parish on friday because Matt was in town running sound for some band. I actually got kinda drunk and but then really, really tired. Saturday was a bust. I stayed in. Sunday was nice, though. I went out for a late breakfast at Curra's with Amanda and some other folks. Chorizo makes the world a better place (unless you're a pig in Mexico).
Friday, May 07, 2004
Friday's seem to come so quickly these days. I think I commented on this recently, though.
I've always been a supremely indecisive person. Most of the time out of ambivalence but sometimes out of anxiety. So now I'm trying to make a decision about work. I'm trying to decide if I should take a temporary position that would last a year. It'd be more pay (but not much more) and instead of doing the work I do now, I'd be writing the materials to train people to do the work I do now. BUT, I wouldn't have a three month break from Nov-Jan that I get every year. That's what keeps me from going crazy at an office job. Also, it's just more responsibility all around. So combine my indecisiveness and my general lack of motivation/laziness and I think you can figure out what I'm gonna do.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Damn, I finally finished Quicksilver. 900 something pages and I get to go straight into the Confusion without a break. Good shit.
Went to the draught house (horse) last night. The vanilla porter tastes like cold coffee but in a good way. Plus it makes you tipsy.
Our computers have been slow and/or down at work because of some virus.
Matt sent out an friendster message about needing someone to sell merch at the three Texas shows for a "band he works for." I happen to know it's the New Year on tour with Tortoise. So I wrote him back saying I'd do it. I'm sure a lot of other people wrote back also. Hopefully I'll get to do it. That's be a great time. Plus, I love the New Year. Also, Tortoise is still kinda interesting.
Monday, May 03, 2004
Because I'm so smart, I locked myself out of the house yesterday. Luckily, I had walked outside to read on the porch in the perfect weather so I had a book with me (my cell phone in my pocket, also). I couldn't read after it got dark, though, so I had Amanda pick me up and we played some pool at Barfly's then she dropped me downtown so I could kill time until someone got home. While I couldn't find anyone downtown to hang out with, I did happen upon a Baptist Generals show at Emo's. They were pretty mazing. The last time I saw them was 4-5 years ago at a house show in Denton. They've changed a bit but were essentially the same. During the show Joe called to say that he was home and that the house was open so I walked to the Caucus Club, had a drink and called a cab to take me home. I'm a genius! Also, earlier in the day, while I was still able to go in and out of my home, I watched American Splendor.