Yet more reasons to suggest Michael Moore's movies are closer to Oliver Stone than to anything resembling documentary over at The indignant, a-hem, filmmaker has made changes to his "documentary" for the DVD release of
Bowling for Columbine. I am now endorsing the idea that his oscar should be revoked and given to Jackass: The Movie, which was clearly the better documentary. While Jackass makes you watch someone put a toy car up their own ass, Moore's movies actually make you feel like you already have one there.
PS. Just for the record, he's (moore) mostly right when he says its all right wingers picking his stuff apart (although spinsanity could hardly be classified as right wing) but just because people are politically motivated to a criticize the blatant factual errors and outright falsehoods in his movie doesn't negate the fact that these errors and falsehoods exist. He made a piece of propaganda masquerading as a documentary, he shouldn't be surprised when he's taken to task for it. I think there was plenty of material with which to make his argument without inventing it. Now all he's done is undermine the whole thing. Maybe its not fair to throw out the proverbial baby with the bathwater because of a few errors but these are not mistakes, they are purposefully misleading and makes one question the whole thing.
Ok ranting over. Something about that guy just gets me going. Arrrg. At the same time, obnoxiousness of his kind can be rather funny and entertaining.