While looking for a movie at I Love Video yesterday a crazy woman started getting excitedly mad at me. She was next to me with a guy and we were each browsing separately. I heard her start talking rather loud and forcefully but I was off in my own world. She was saying something about her kids in Galveston and summer camp or something but it took a good 30 seconds before I realized she was looking at/talking to me and she had this freaked out look in her eyes. As I looked up, the guy she was with grabbed her by the arm and turned her around and scolded her for, well, I guess for being crazy (or at least being crazy in public). The weird part is that he wasn't a friend or family member but obviously a boyfriend. Who'd date a crazy woman (though admittedly I've been close in the past)? The whole thing creeped me out and sent me upstairs to the director's section until they left.
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- Hell yeah, the red sox won! I love watching histor...
- I want to talk about a certain team from Boston po...
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
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