I've been in a super foul mood for now for three days running with no explanation forthcoming. I've managed to get some reading done in lieu of going out and spending money. I started Out of Sight on sat night and just now finished it. I'm a big fan of the movie but I only now have gotten around to the book. In truth, it's not much of a book. Elmore Leonard seems to write extended script treatments rather than novels but that's ok. It was weird how much of the dialogue in the movie was lifted straight from the book. They're making a sequel to Get Shorty called Be Cool with JohnTravolta returning as Chili Palmer. Andre 3000 is also in it.
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- It's not so much that I don't have the time, as mu...
- I think perhaps I have been a bit remiss in not up...
- Good god, peoples! I drank so much on wed for my b...
- The trip was big fun. Saw lots of bands (though ho...
- I keep reading and hearing things saying stuff lik...
- I just got back form seeing my old bandmate, Jimi'...
- It took me almost a week to figure out but my litt...
- Hell yeah, the red sox won! I love watching histor...
- I want to talk about a certain team from Boston po...
- Hey! No one is clicking my ads, motherfuckers! A b...
Monday, December 13, 2004
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