I want to talk about a certain team from Boston possibly winning the World Series tonight but don't want to jinx anything. But now you know where my heart is. Most of my undergrad career I had planned to go to law school at BU when I graduated but then a little thing like grades and poor attendance habits caught up to me. Also, I decided I wanted to play in bands. What a dumbass.
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in which I say stuff.
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- Hey! No one is clicking my ads, motherfuckers! A b...
- The show went really well last night. We played ki...
- I gotta a new band. Come see us. It'll be good for...
- OK. I like lists. I don't put them on here often b...
- At record stores and in music magazines, all I can...
- I'm on a late night blogging spree. "electric sta...
- I forgot, I also went and voted today. It was the ...
- Yeah whatever. I'm not sitting around. I don't nee...
- Weekend weekend weekend. Did you ever really exist...
- Despite my best efforts to keep my new computer cl...
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
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