wisdom teeth says...

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

I'm having trouble deciding what to do with the Wisdom Teeth EP I recorded in June. I keep going back and forth between doing it myself and shopping it around. If I shop it around (assuming I find someone to put it out), then it probably wouldn't be released until November at the earliest. On the other hand if I put it out myself, well, I'd have to pay for it and go through alot of trouble BUT it would be done sooner and I would be in control of everything.

Right now I'm leaning towards doing it myself despite my misgivings. I don't really want to run a record label or anything but perhaps this is the best way to start this project. It'll give me something to tour with and also be a better way to maybe attract another label to do my next record (which is, hmmm, say, 2/3 written.) The bottom line is I don't wanna have to mess with distributors. I have some good ideas about how to put it out on the cheap. Some elbow grease will go a long way towards reducing costs - meaning if I use a fold-over slip case that I have printed and put together myself.


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