wisdom teeth says...

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

I have this problem. You see, I'm fascinated by bands that disappear. I bring this up cause as I was wasting time at work looking around the internet, I got to wondering what was up with East River Pipe. They've put out several good records on Merge but their last, The Gasoline Age, has been a few years back. That record is freakin' great. I can't find anything regarding what's going on with them, though. Merge just reissued an old album but what I wanna know is when the new one is coming my way. The Merge website says nothing new. Hmmm. What's with them Merge artists. Neutral Milk Hotel...

Speaking of Merge bands, the Radar Brothers are playing tonight at the mercury but that's not really important. What IS important is that Monroe Mustang are opening up for them. Monroe Mustang are a great Austin band that plays out about as often as the world cup occurs or halley's comet. The only times I've ever seen 'em was during two consecutive SXSW performances last year and the year before that (2001 & 2000.) A rare week night show attendance is in the works for myself I do believe (hey, you wouldn't go out to shows that start at 11pm and end at 2am all the time if you had to be at work at 7:30 in the morning, either.)


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