First post of the new year. It seems as if it should either some kind of summing up of the last year or announcing something new for the next. I, however, don't intend to change a damn thing. Of course, I'm lying. I have all sorts of hopes and plans but hedging one's bets by aiming low never hurt anyone, right? So here's to the status quo!
wisdom teeth says...
in which I say stuff.
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Previous Posts
- Can you breathe or speak above a croak? I can't.
- Christmas is over and done with. It was nice, I gu...
- I've spent the past four days sitting in my house....
- head says "ouch!"
- Ok, so I may have missed Aaron's surprise birthday...
- Really, could my heart and my brain be much more a...
- While looking for a movie at I Love Video yesterda...
- I've been in a super foul mood for now for three d...
- It's not so much that I don't have the time, as mu...
- I think perhaps I have been a bit remiss in not up...
Sunday, January 02, 2005
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