There was a woman at the laundromat (sp?) yesterday who brought her own bleach which she used to clean off the table for folding your clothes. She then turned her basket upside down (after bleaching it, too) and claimed her table for the duration of her washing despite the fact that nothing was dry yet (or would be for 30 minutes.) She then snipped at a guy who was trying to sit his laundry bag on it. People are odd.
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I woke up this morning to the first of my snooze alarms in the middle of an odd dream. I was with this girl who I was hanging out with quite a bit last year (whom I saw recently for the first time in 8 months or something) and we had just spent the night together (though that part was inexplicably absent from the dream, dammit.) So we were wondering around a store for some reason and I was wearing a red and blue "six million dollar man" robe that I had when I was a kid and she was in pajamas. I know there was more but dreams fade from memory so fast these days. Anyway, I woke up to my alarm, hit the snooze button and tried like hell to get back into my dream for nine minutes until then next alarm.
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When I'm at work, all I can ever do is think about not being at work. When I'm not at work, I am so lazy that the things I think about doing while I'm at work never get done. I did make flyers for tomorrow's show last night, though. Its pretty late in the game to bother with flyers but, hell, it can't hurt. Besides, the show wasn't actually set until saturday and I was busy recording all weekend. Tonight I'm going to finish up making some fold-over cd covers so I can sell some cdrs at the show.
I'm pretty excited/nervous about playing tomorrow. I've played solo before and its a nerve racking as hell. I'm really bad about forgetting lyrics to songs. With a band I can repeat a verse or garble some noises or something and most people will never notice but solo that's the main thing people are hearing.
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