wisdom teeth says...

Friday, May 06, 2005

I'm not one of those people who is usually outwardly happy about it being friday but, damn, I'm glad it's friday. It's been a hella long week. Went out last night and watched the rockets/mavs game at jackalope (now that I am cable tv-less) and then went over to the whisky bar for a few cheap drinks. Double gin and tonics are nice. Especially when they're uber-cheap and very strong.

So yesterday morning I almost puked in my car on the way to work. First a little background. The night before is a big fuzzy blur. I stopped off after work to buy some booze and didn't stop until 2am. So, needless to say, I wasn't feeling my best when I got in my car to go to work yesterday. I was already fighting some nausea and everything was spinning but I had to go to work. As I'm driving under the interstate to get going in the correct direction, the biggest, nastiest blob of bird shit hit my window. Right in front of my face. I would describe it but the thought still makes me pukey. So the bird shit hits as I'm getting on the highway and I'm covering my mouth because, in my delicate hangover state, I feel like I'm going to lose it all over the inside of my car. The moral of the story? Always keep your wiper fluid filled on your car, that way you can hit it for thirty seconds straight and clean away the bird shit on your windshield that makes you almost lose your cookies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

goooo rockets! yao ming! aZn repraZent!

you forgot to write about how i'm such a nerd i took pictures of word dojo high scores to show you.


10:37 AM  
Blogger dm said...

that's ok because I'm such a nerd that I was excited that you took pictures of our dojo scores.

12:09 PM  

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