They're showing The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years at beerland tonight. If you haven't ever seen this movie you should go. It's funny and sad and ridiculous, kinda like When Harry Met Sally but with the guy from WASP piss drunk in a pool. I used to watch this in middle school and even then I recognized how absurd this shit is. Except for the Megadeth part which I thought was about as cool as cool could get.
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- Dear Rory, You fucked him again? You're such a hu...
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- I was correct and this friday is my last day of wo...
- I have done somewhere between "a little" and "no" ...
- So I had sushi last night for the first time. I'd ...
- I went to the doctor and got some more allergy med...
- Are you my tiger? I really am sick. How sad. I ca...
- I do believe I'm getting sick. Of course, I'm also...
- The weekend was boring. Nothing doing... Until las...
- When I was in eight grade drama class, we did a dr...
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
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