So I had sushi last night for the first time. I'd tried it a bit once before but I was drunk and don't really remember. Honestly, I can't see what the big deal is. People swear by this stuff and at best it's ok. It was just too chewy and tasted kinda bland except when you dunk it in wasabi and soy sauce but then that's all you taste. I could douse rice with that stuff at home for way cheaper. Oh yeah, the price. What? Come on. That shit is for suckers. No more for me, thank you. I think Amanda had the right idea, we shoulda ditched that stuff and gone to casino for buffalo wings.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Wings!!!!!!!!!!!! I love em! -A
really? I had no idea.
dude, you probably just went to the wrong place. like buffet palace or something.
while I do love me some buffet palace, I would never eat sushi from a buffet. that just sounds gross. we went to kenichi seemed pretty nice and everyone else liked it.
yeah, i got suckered into goin to one of them high-roller "kunichiwa"-type sushi joints once. shit tasted like that highly-questionable, monkey-lookin piece of ass i took home oh-so-many-years-ago. ya can't polish a turd & no amount of liquor can prepare you for the rude-ass moment of clarity you receive after waking up next to Jabba the Hut. sushi's for suckers, & ya can't "sue the she" that convinced your drunk-ass to "come in". as if.
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