wisdom teeth says...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The show as part of hellolovers last night went surprisingly well. I got off work, picked up my shit, went over Jon's, practiced with him and Yasmin for an hour, went home and ate, went up beerland and played a show. It was nice - we all played in a little semi-circle seated onstage, I didn't even mind as Jon's hippy friends banged on tambourines and wood blocks as we played. Jon and Yasmin's voices go together really well. As much as I like really having shit down for a show, it was exciting and fun to play it very loose. I have no idea if it sounded ok to everyone else but I was digging it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i liked it. i was sorry i missed most of it because of funeralizer. casket case! knifemare!


11:57 AM  

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