wisdom teeth says...

Monday, March 21, 2005

OK, well, I'm not going into a blow by blow account of last week but here are some highlights.

1) Year Future @ the Chunklet party. Sonny Kay's (of VSS/Angel Hair) new band. Holy Shit. Renewed my faith that punk rock really can still do something interesting.

2) Big Business @ Sound on Sound in-store. Jared from Karp's new band. Fuzzy bass, screamed vocals and super-rocking drums.

3) the Gris-Gris @ Sound on Sound in-store. Psych-rock beauty.

4) Edith Frost @ some day party. Heavenly Voice. I crawled outta bed in a fever induced haze to see her. This was the only time I left my house on saturday.

5) Erase Errata & Les Georges Leningrad @ a house show. 3am on a thursday night these bands were playing on the front porch of a house 1/2 block from my place. A-Frames played earlier at the same house but in the super ultra crowded living room so I missed 'em.

So all in all it was a good time. Sadly, just as I was getting into full party mode (this takes a day or two to adjust the body to no sleep, breakfast tacos for all meals and beer from 11am onwards) my body gave me a big fuck you and shut down. I've been off and on sick for the past few weeks and friday evening I just pooped out. I spent most of the next two days in bed with a high fever, an awful cough and NCAA basketball on the tv. I'm disappointed that I missed out on friday night's and all of saturday's fun but it couldn't really be helped.

I'll post a link to pics as soon as I resize 'em all and get them uploaded.

PS, I have to get my bitching about the official sxsw stuff done. I'll be brief.

1) On Wedneday night I was going to go see Elvis Costello. I got all prepared and went down there early enough to get in. Now, I was prepared to pay a chunk of change for this show. Probably $20-$30. I get there and the door guy asks me for $50. My jaw hit the ground. $50 for a 45 minute set of Elvis Costello? And I'd have to sit through the three other nameless crap people they put on before him? Fuck that. I went downtown and paid $5 to see my the kodiaks.

2) Friday evening I went to try to catch the Hyrdahead Records showcase. Once again I was ready for a pricey night and they didn't disappoint at $15. However, when I got there an hour after it had started, the snotty sxsw bitch told me that it would be $15 but they weren't letting cash people in yet, just wristbands and badges. There was no line. It wasn't very crowded so it's not like they were keeping their precious VIPs out so I could get in. So she tells me that I can be first in line and would I mind stepping aside. I said something not very civil to her and turned to leave.


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