I'm more than a little burnt out on blogging so I am going on hiatus for a bit. I'm can't or won't post the things I really want to say and so I've been writing meaningless crap on here. So aside from announcements like the one below, I'll post again when I have something interesting to say.
wisdom teeth says...
in which I say stuff.
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Previous Posts
- Wed Sept 1 @ the Fresh-Up Club (916 E. Springdale ...
- What did I do this weekend? Hmmm, mostly sat aroun...
- I want to hear some Orange Juice. Who'll burn me s...
- They changed their minds. I'm staying here a work ...
- Yesterday may have been one of the best "sick" day...
- Dear Real World (the real, real world, not that tv...
- So I was in a bit of a foul mood at work yesterday...
- Go ahead. Just try and tell me to get some work do...
- I'm very pissed off so if you see me out buy my br...
- I've decided not to go to DC for the winter. There...
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Oh, damn! Why aren't you writing anymore. It has been fun reading about all the dumb things we do! Post! Post! - Amanda
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