What did I do this weekend? Hmmm, mostly sat around watching the Freaks & Geeks dvd set. That's not a bad thing. Other than that it goes like this... Friday I went to Amanda's then she passed out then I went to a party which was okay I guess but good in one certain phone number getting kind of way. Saturday was more F&G's then I went to Michael and Corinne's house warming get together (they bought a house!) at which they announced that they are engaged! Seems kinda backwards but congratulations all around. Then trudy's for drinks, then back to my place for drinks, then over to Wain's for a brief b-day hello, and finally on to the party at Dean & Melissa's which was fraught with confusion and other things. OK, sunday. Hey, more F&G's the poker night which was moved to Jeff and Alicia's. I lost my cash and came home. No more, please.
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- I want to hear some Orange Juice. Who'll burn me s...
- They changed their minds. I'm staying here a work ...
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- Dear Real World (the real, real world, not that tv...
- So I was in a bit of a foul mood at work yesterday...
- Go ahead. Just try and tell me to get some work do...
- I'm very pissed off so if you see me out buy my br...
- I've decided not to go to DC for the winter. There...
- While playing gin/gin rummy last night over at Lei...
- Dear Pabst Blue Ribbon, My bowels and I would lik...
Monday, August 30, 2004
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