So I was in a bit of a foul mood at work yesterday. I found out that morning that I was getting the axe a little early this year. As you may or may not know, my job is kind of odd in that I work from Jan - Oct (usually) then have a few months off before starting up again. Well, now I'm gonna be gone by this friday (August!) instead. But what really got me going was that some of the people staying (they let people go as the work dwindles through out the year) are people I was helping to train this year. You know, I could use another month or two of pay, also! I'm just getting jerked around because not only this, but they also are planning on calling me back in next month for a week or two (also in Nov) so I can't even go off and do stuff (travel) because they might need me to come back. For all the shittiness of this job sometimes I don't think I'm going to quit because at same time it has a flexibility that I like and if I start school in January (as planned) then I'm going to need a job that I can work around. I am getting a resume together, you know, just in case.
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- Go ahead. Just try and tell me to get some work do...
- I'm very pissed off so if you see me out buy my br...
- I've decided not to go to DC for the winter. There...
- While playing gin/gin rummy last night over at Lei...
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- So I feel much better today. Something screwy was ...
- Why am I so damn tired this morning? It's that fuc...
- Just for entertainment purposes... in case you wer...
- I've been seriously unable to come up with anythin...
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
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