wisdom teeth says...

Friday, September 13, 2002

College was awful. I'm done with it. I have my degree (for all the use I've gotten out of it.) So how come I keep trying to talk myself into going again? Civilian life is just too difficult, I think - or unglamorous. I think that I still imagine myself as some stodgy professor type holding court during office hours. To make things worse, if I did go to grad school, I'd have to go to some second tier state school because my grades for my last year of college were so awful. 2.89 GPA ain't getting anyone into anywhere decent. Right before I graduated I asked my Poli Sci prof if he would write me a recommendation for grad school and he replied that he would as I obviously could do a good job studying independently since I never actually went to class and still pulled A's and B's in his classes.


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